What Does The Bible Say About Pretenders

What Does The Bible Say About Pretenders

The Bible has a lot to say about pretenders, as it cautions us against people who appear to be one thing but are actually something else. Pretenders are those who pretend to be something they are not, usually with malicious intentions. In the Bible, warnings against pretenders and their schemes come from many places, including Jesus' own words.

What Does The Bible Say About Pretenders?

The Bible speaks strongly against pretenders, as they can lead people astray. In Matthew 7:15, Jesus warns, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.” This verse warns us to be on guard against those who appear to be harmless but have ulterior motives. In Revelation 2:2, Jesus says, “I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that you cannot bear those who are evil.” Here, Jesus is commending the people for recognizing the pretenders and not being deceived by them.

In Proverbs 14:15, the Bible warns, “The simple believe anything, but the prudent give thought to their steps.” This verse advises us to be wise and think carefully about our actions and words, rather than be deceived by pretenders. In Romans 16:17-18, the Bible says, “I urge you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them.” This verse encourages us to stay away from those who try to lead us away from what we believe is right.

What Are Some Examples of Pretenders in the Bible?

The Bible is full of examples of pretenders. In the Old Testament, Pharaoh is an example of a pretender. He pretended to be a god and demanded that his people worship him as such. In the New Testament, Judas Iscariot is an example of a pretender. He pretended to be a devoted follower of Jesus but was actually planning to betray him.

In the Book of Acts, Ananias and Sapphira were two more examples of pretenders. They pretended to be generous in their offering to the church but actually kept some of the money for themselves. In the Book of Matthew, the Pharisees are another example of pretenders. They pretended to be righteous and holy, but Jesus often accused them of hypocrisy.

What Are Some Ways We Can Avoid Being Deceived by Pretenders?

The Bible gives us several ways to avoid being deceived by pretenders. The first is to seek wise counsel. Proverbs 12:15 says, “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice.” This verse reminds us that it is important to seek out wise counsel from those who have more experience than we do. This will help us to recognize when someone is pretending to be something they are not.

The second way to avoid being deceived by pretenders is to be on guard against false teaching. In 1 Thessalonians 5:21, the Bible says, “Test everything; hold fast what is good.” This verse encourages us to test the teachings of those around us to make sure they are in line with what the Bible teaches. Being aware of false teaching will help us to recognize when someone is pretending to be something they are not.

The third way to avoid being deceived by pretenders is to stay close to God. In Psalm 119:11, the Bible says, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” This verse reminds us to hide God’s word in our hearts so that we can recognize when someone is pretending to be something they are not. Staying close to God will help us to recognize the schemes of pretenders.


The Bible has a lot to say about pretenders. Pretenders are those who pretend to be something they are not, usually with malicious intentions. The Bible warns us to be on guard against those who appear to be harmless but have ulterior motives. We can avoid being deceived by pretenders by seeking wise counsel, being on guard against false teaching, and staying close to God. By following these steps, we can protect ourselves from the schemes of pretenders.

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